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[[underlined]] October 24, 1890 [[/underlined]]

New Objects of Interest for publication

Plate B 5460. chi Ophiuchi HP 2758 =
A.G.C. 22280 R.A. (1900) 16^[[h]] 21.2^[[m]] -18° 14' magn. 4.6 Br lines in spectrum including F line. seen on Plate 5460 taken. June 18, 1890.
Plate 3570 taken June 17, 1889 examined and bright lines confirmed.
The spectrum of this star was also seen on plates 596, 1391 and 1480 taken July 10, 1886, May 1, 1889 and 1480 but as these plates had each only an exposure of five minutes in this region the spectrum is quite faint and does not show the bright lines, [[strikethrough]]although[[/strikethrought]] but the lines 410 and 434, due to hydrogen are narrow.

Plate B5583 pi, Gruis IV Type=A.G.C. 30526 1900 22^[[h]] 16.6^[[m]] 1900 -46° 27' 6.7 taken

Plate 5438 taken. alpha Apodis III Type (Mc) Spectrum of suspected variable = A.G.C. 19014 (1900) 13^[[h]] 55.6^[[m]] -76° 19' var 5½ to 6½.

Transcription Notes:
The h and the m repersent time, I think. The letter in front of Apodis in the last paragraph is a Greek letter. I'll roll with alpha, but I'm not certain.