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Saturday Nov. 15, 1890.
Meas. of New Var. in Triangulation ([[?]]p 32).
DM +33 degrees 470.
Plate I 2235 taken

var     6.3  7.9
     a   5.3  6.9
7.50 b   5.7  7.3[[strikethrough]]8.00,8.40=830[[underline]]10[[/underline]]10[[/strikethrough]]
9.0  [[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]e 6.9  8.5 779 809=794 [[underline]]15[[/underline]] 15
8.0   [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]][[underline]]7.6[[/underline]]  9.2

Summary |a|b|c|d|var|
B 1841 Md Nov.7,1887 Back Tel. 7.5
B 2192 N.S Jan 19, 1888 "  "
I 417 Dec. 31, 1889 [[Drake?]] 8 in.|6.9|7.2|8.5|9.3|7.1
I 1875 Sept. 25, 1890 " |6.6|7.2|8.6|9.6|6.8| 
1981 Oct. 13, 1890 " |7.3|
2000 Oct.15, 1890 " |7.2|
2005 Oct.17, 1890 " |6.8|6.9|8.8|9.6|7.1|
2235 Nov.12, 1890 " |6.9|7.3|8.5|9.2|7.9|
[[strikethrough]]2345 Nov.25,1890[[/strikethrough]]
2875 |6.6|7.4|8.5|9.6|10.9|
2931 |6.6|7.5|8.4|9.5|10.6|
3188 |6.2|6.8|9.0|10.2|<11.7|
[[end table]]

Oct. 4, 1892 I 2005 selected for enl. For ident see I 417