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October 25, 1890.

Meas. of DM -5° 4858. (continued)

Plate I2044 taken

[[6 columned table]]
|   |   |   |x|y|   |
|var.|8.4|8.5|1.35|1.30|DM -5° 4858 18 56.7 -5 54|
|a|8.1|8.2|5.30|4.70|DM -6° 5020 18 55.6 -6 2 8.2| 
|b|8.8|8.9|1.55|2.25|- -|
|c|9.0|9.1|2.70|2.50|DM -5° 4859 18 56.7 -5 57 9.7|
|8.9 [[underlined]]d|9.4[[/underlined]]|95|0.55|1.10|- -|
|   |353|   |   |   |   |
|   |8.8|   |   |   |   |
|   |1|   |   |   |   |
[[end table]]

Weiser 1442
DM -5 4858
Dimer II 39


[[left margin]]
These magns. to be corrected 
July 16,1891
[[/left margin]]

[[9 columned table]]
|   |   |a^[[8.2]]|b|c^[[9.7]]|d|var^[[7.8 7.0 7.3]]|Concl. mgn.|
|Plate 1341|Taken June 26, 1890|8.0|8.9|9.1|9.5|9.2|8.9
|Plate 1494|Taken July 20, 1890|8.2|8.8|9.0|9.7|9.3|9.0
|Plate 1659|Taken Aug. 20, 1890|8.4|9.0|9.2|9.9|9.4|9.1
|Plate 2044|Taken Oct. 22, 1890|8.2|8.9|9.1|9.5|8.5|8.2
|Plate 2082|Taken Oct. 28, 1890|8.3|8.8|9.1|9.6|8.4|8.1
|Plate 2172|Taken Nov. 4, 1890|8.3|8.6|8.9|9.7|8.5|8.2
|Plate 2272|Taken Nov. 18, 1890|[[underlined]]8.3[[/underlined]]|8.8|[[underlined]]9.0[[/underlined]]|9.6|8.4|8.1
|   |   |   |8.24|   |9.06|[[equation]]|   |   |
[[end table]]


Oct 6, 1893 I2172 selected for enl. For ident See I1341, I2272