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October 28, 1890
Meas. of position of Comparison stars for new variable in Perseus (No. 1)

[[14 columned table]]
|   |[[strikethrough]]x[[/strikethrough]]y|[[strikethrough]]y[[/strikethrough]]x|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|a|8.45|11.35|[[strikethrough]]5.042|34.05^[[x]][[/strikethrough]]|4.086|25.35^[[y x 3]]|DM +56° 41[[strikethrough\\7[[/strikethrough]]6 1^[[h]] 54^[[m]] 48.4^[[s]] + 56° 23.4'|[[strikethrough]]5.0^[[m]]|3.4'[[/strikethrough]]|4.1|[[strikethrough]]41[[/strikethrough]]25|50.7|58| 
|b|6.90|11.85|[[strikethrough]]2.484|35.55[[/strikethrough]]|4.266|20.70|+56° 41[[crossed-out]8[/crossed-out]7 1 54 56.6 + 56 18.7| [[strikethough]]2.5|36[[/strikethough]]|4.3|21|50.6|58|
|c|2.65|3.45|[[strikethrough]]0.954|10.35[[/strikethrough]]|1.242|7.95|+56° 417 1 51.9 + 56 7|[[strikethrough]]1.0|10[[/strikethrough]]|1.2|8|   |   |
|d|1.45|3.10|[[strikethrough]].522|9.30[[/strikethrough]]|1.116|4.35|+56° 417 1 51.8 + 56 3|[[strikethrough]]0.5|9[[/strikethrough]]|1.1|4|   |   |
|e|1.30|27.5|[[strikethrough]]56.8|8.25[[/strikethrough]]|.960|3.90|+56° 417 1 51.7 + 56 3|[[strikethrough]]0.6|8[[/strikethrough]]|1.0|4|   |   |
|f|1.80|1.80|[[strikethrough]].748|5.40[[/strikethrough]]|.648|5.40|+56° 404 1 51 21.0 +56 4.8|[[strikethrough]]0.7|5[[/strikethrough]]|0.6|5|50.8|60|
|g|5.65|0.95|[[strikethrough]]2.034|2.85[[/strikethrough]]|.342|16.95|+56° 40.3 1 51 2.6 +56 15.8|[[strikethrough]]2.0|3[[/strikethrough]]|0.3|17|50.7|59|
|var|1.00|4.00|.360[[strikethrough]]12.00[[/strikethrough]]|1.440|3.00|1 52.1 +56 2|[[strikethrough]]0.4|12[[/strikethough]]|1.4|3|50.7|59|
[[end table]]

[[left margin]]
[[underlined]]Magns. to be corrected. July 16, 1891.[[/underlined]]
[[/left margin]]

[[11 columned table]]
|   |   |   |   |a^[[8.8]]|b^[[9.0]]|c|d|e|f^[[9.5]]|var|
|   |Plate B 103 Ch.|Nov. 3,1885|Bache Tel.|5.9|6.1| 6.9|11.5|10.7|10.6|N.S.^[[15.2[[strikethrough]]10.8[[/strikethrough]] ]]|
|Br hydrogen lines|Plate B 1818 Sp.|Nov. 3, 1887|Bache Tel.|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |Plate B 1954 Ch.|Nov. 30, 1887|[[strikethrough]]Bache Tel.[[/strikethrough]]Deaper 8 in.|6.2|6.6|8.3|11.2|10.4|10.2|7.1^[[9.3]]|
|   |Plate B 1977 Ch.|Dec. 1,1887|[[strikethrough]]B[[/strikethrough]]Deaper 8 in.|6.1|6.6|8.6| 11.1|10.3|10.1|7.7^[[9.9]]|
|   |Plate I 1901 Ch.|Sept. 29,1890|Deaper 8 in.|6.5|7.1|8.2|N.S.| N.S.|9.5|N.S.^[[12.2]]|
[[end table]]

Oct. 30 1890 Ex. with 15 inch Equatorial est. magn. 13.5
[[11 columned table]]
|   |Plate I 2101 Ch.|Oct. 30, 1890|Deaper 8 in.|6.7|7.2|8.7| 10.9|10.1|10.0|(11.13^[[13.5]]|
|   |I 2293 Ch.|   |   |[[underlined]]7.2|7.6|8.7|10.4[[/underlined]]|9.4|9.4|N.S.^[[13.4]]|
|   |   |   |   |6.43|6.87|2.4 [[underlined]]2.1[[/underlined]] 2.2|11.0|   |   |   |
|   |I 2560 Ch.|   |   ||7.1|7.5|8.6|10.4|9.8|[[strikethrough]]10[[/strikethrough]]9.7|<11.4=13.6|
|   |I 2856 Ch.|   |   |7.0|7.4|8.7|10.3|9.8|9.7|<11.0 13.2|
|Br. images|I 3186|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Ft. images|I 3186|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |I 3270|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |I 3308|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |I 3401|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |I 3541|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |      
[[end table]]

See B 2 p. 202
Oct 4, 1893 B 1977 selected for enl. for ident see pl. B 1954

Transcription Notes:
The left margin note just below the summary is bracketed to include plates B103 through I2856 (i.e., all of the table below the word summary, and the first 4 rows of the following table). Bache Telescope was at Harvard I couldn't find a Deaper telescope, but I did find a Draper one.