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January 7, 1892.

DM +53° 379  R.A. 1 35.9^[[1855]] Dec.^[[1855]] +53 14 9.4 IV Type.
On Plate I 5288. 
This star has a spectrum which apparently is of the fourth type, although [[strikethrough]]it[[/strikethrough]]the image is so faint that it may be of the fifth type, the bright lines showing but very indistinctly.
Assuming it to be IV Type, it was suspected of variability, as the spectr[[strikethrough]]um[[/strikethrough]]a of IV Type stars of this magnitude [[strikethrough]]has not is[[/strikethrough]]are not readily photographed.

Chart Plates B1977, I1901, 2293, 2560, 2856, 3186, 3270, [[strikethrough]]4891[[/strikethrough]]3308, and 4891 were therefore examined but as the star showed no distinct evidence of variation  actual measures were not made.

DM +53 379 is IV Type as confirmed from Plate I5403 Ex. 120m  Taken Jan 16,1892.

Jan 21,1892  Another plate I5413 taken shows no evidence of variability as compared with I2293.