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12 March 11, 1903 Meas of Standards of Sixteenth Magn. Stars R Gemiumomm [[?]] from paper print of Yerkes Pobs. Frec. [[5 Column Table]] --- | x | y | " | " g | 96+72 | 4.65-18 | 168 | 447 t | 96+28 | 4.65+14 | 124 | 479 s | 96-03 | 4.65+44 | 93 | 509 n | 96-41 | 4.65+48 | 55 | 513 1 | 96+117 | 4.65+185 | 213 | --- 2 | 96+30 | 4.65+66 | --- | --- 3 | 96-147 | 4.65-62 | --- | --- u | 96-202 | 4.65-74 | --- | --- [[/5 Column Table]]