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[[underlined]] Var. No. [[strikethrough]] 83. 82 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] March 11, 1903 [[/underlined]]

Meas to det. pos. of comp stars for T Lupi
A.G.C.19416 R.d.14h 15.7m Dec.-49° 24'(1900) C.DM.- 49°8685.

Plate B6066.

       x     y     x       y    Diffx Diffy   xx170 yx179
var +13.55 +6.65 +13.60 + 6.65   ..    ..     ..      ..
a   + 0.40 +5.10 + 0.40 + 5.10 -13.17 -1.56 2357.43 279.24
b   +15.40 +1.85 +15.35 + 1.80 + 1.81 -4.84  323.99 866.36
c   + 8.75 +9.70 + 8.75 + 9.70 - 4.82 +3.04  862.78 544.16
d   +15.00 +9.30 +14.95 + 9.30 + 1.41 +2.64  252.39 472.56
var +13.60 +6.65 +13.55 + 6.70   ..   ..      ..      ..
e   + 8.90 +4.10 + 8.90 + 4.10 -4.67 -2.56   835.93 458.24
f   + 8.30 +7.45 + 8.30 + 7.45 -5.27 +0.79   943.33 141.41
g   +14.80 +7.55 +14.80 + 7.55 +1.23 +0.89   220.17 159.31
h   +15.30 +7.85 +15.30 + 7.80 +1.73 +1.16   309.67 207.64
var +13.55 +6.65 +13.55 + 6.65   ..   ..      ..      ..

Var.No.70 Continued from page 15.
Diff.X. -0.01 -5.16 -9.54 -4.56 +0.34 Diff.y.+16.32 +13.85 -11.32 -14.15
Log. " 8.00000 0.71265 0.97955 0.65896 9.53148 x179 2921.28 2479.15 2026.28 2532.85 1825.80
1.30798 1.30798 1.30798 1.30798 1.30798
9.30798 2.02063 2.28753 1.96694 10.83946 48 41.28 41 19.15 33 46.28 42 12.85 30 25.80
0.20 104.86 193.88 92.67 6.91
1 44.86 313.88 1 32.67
12 26 44.43 53° 9 34.6 12 24 50.00 53° 16 15.3 12 23 12.86 54° 31 6.0 12 24 53.86 54° 40 2.4
6.20 48 41.3 1 44.86 41 19.2 3 13.88 33 46.3 1 32.67 42 12.8
12 26 44.63-53° 58 15.9 12 26 43.86 -53°57 34.5 12 26 26.74 -53 57 19.7 12 26 26.53 -53° 57 49.9
12 26 36.66-54° 28 43.8
6.91 30 25.8
12 26 29.75-53° 58 18.0
Mean Pos. of Var. 12 26 34.30-53° 57 51.6 (1875)
Pos. from Carve 12 26 35.2 -53 58 3 Adopt (1875)
Computation checked by M.A.G. 12 28.0 -54 6 (1900)
April 13, 1903

John C. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System