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[[underlined]]Var. No. 77[[/underlined]]

May 22, 1903

Meas to det pos of - Chamaeleontis of Comp. Stars
C.P.D. - 76° 767 - A.G.C. 18352 R.A. 13^[[h]] 24.6 - 77° 3 (1900)

Plate B 3788

[[9 columned table]]
|   |x|y|x|y|Diff x|Diff y|x×179|y×179|
|var|+3.20|+0.40|+3.20|+0.40|- -|- -|- -|-|
|c|+22.60|+18.75^[[+18.72]]|+22.60|+18.70|+19.40|+18.32| 3472.60|3279.28|
|var|+3.20|+0.40|+3.20|+0.40|- -|- -|- -|- -|
|h|+2.45^[[+2.48]]|+6.40 ^[[+6.42]]|+2.50|+6.45|-0.72|+[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]6.02|128.88|1077.58|

Mean Var. +3.20  +0.40

John C. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data Systems