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[[underline]] Var. No. 85 [[/underline]]

[[underline]] July 1, 1903 [[/underline]]

Meas. to det. pos. of Comp. stars for Y Centauri
AGC, 19643.  Rvd, 14^[[h]] 25.1^[[m]] Dec, -29° 39. (1900)

Plate B23872, Meas. all Stars a to h already meas. on B9537). 

[[9 column table]]
|   |x|y|x|y|Diff x|Diff y|xx179|yx179|
|var.|+7.25|+5.70|+7.25|+5.65|..|..|   |   |

Mean Var. +7.25 +5.67