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Var. [[underlined]]No 73[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Var. No. 74.[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]April 24, 1903.[[/underlined]]

Plate B 13563

[[13 columned table]]
|    |x|y|x|y|Diff x^[[var 1.]]|Diff y^[[var 1.]]|x × 179|y × 179|Diff x^[[var 2.]]|Diff y^[[var 2.]]|x × 179|y × 179|
|var 1|+7.20|+4.30|+7.20|+4.30|-|-|   |   |-|-|   |   |
|var 2|+10.70|+4.80|+10.70|+4.80|-|-|   |   |-|-|   |   |
|var 1|[[strikethrough]]+7.40[[/strikethrough]]+7.20|[[strikethrough]]+10.50[[/strikethrough]]+4.30|[[strikethrough]]1.10[[/strikethrough]]|+7.20|+4.30|-|-|..|..|-|-|   |..|
|var 2|+10.70|+4.80|+10.70|+4.80|-|-|..|..|-|-|   |..|
|var 1|+7.20|+4.30|+7.20+4.30|-|-|   |   |-|-|   |   |
|var 2|+10.70|+4.80|+10.70|+4.80|-|-|   |   |-|-|   |   |

Var. 1 = A.G.C. 17944 = Var. No. 73. 13^[[h]] 6.3^[[m]] -56° 28' (1900)
Var. 2 = Z.C. 13^[[h]] 363 = Var. No. 74  13^[[h]] 7.6^[[m]] -56° 26' (1900)

John C. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data Systems

Transcription Notes:
In rows b-h, there are arrows showing that some of the middle two columns are off by one line, so I transcribed them as they intended.