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33 [[underlined]] Var. No. 109 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] April 25, 1903. [[/underlined]] Meas to det pos. of new var Z. Ophinchi DM. +1° 3417 RA. 17^[[h]] 14.5^[[m]] +1° 37'. (1900) B 10216 [[9 column table]] | x | y | x | y | diff x | diff y | xx179 | yx179 --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- var | +3.00 | +5.85 | +3.00 | +5.85 | .. | .. | .. | a | +11.05 | +4.35 +4.32 | +11.05 | +4.30 | +8.05 | -1.53 | 1440.95 | 273.87 b | +11.45 | +6.70 +6.68 | +11.45 | +6.65 | +8.45 | +0.83 | 1512.55 | 148.57 c | +22.90 | +5.20 | +22.90 | +5.20 | +19.90 | -0.65 | [[strikethrough]] 3560.00 [[/strikethrough]] 3562.10 | 116.35 d | +17.10 | +4.10 | +17.10 | +4.10 | +14.10 | -1.75 | 2523.90 | 313.25 e | -1.20 | -4.50 | -1.20 | -4.50 | -4.20 | -10.35 | 751.80 | 1852.65 f | -4.05 | +0.35 | -4.05 | +0.35 | -7.05 | -5.50 | 1261.95 | 984.50 var | +3.00 | +5.85 | +3.00 | +5.85 | .. | .. | .. | .. g | +6.05 | +6.80 | +6.05 | +6.80 | +3.05 | +0.95 | 545.95 | 170.05 h | +1.50 +1.48 | +11.60 +11.62 | +1.45 | +11.65 | -1. [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 52 | [[strikethrough]] - [[/strikethrough]] +5.77 | 272.08 | 1032.83 k | +1.80 | +6.35 | +1.80 | +6.35 | -1.20 | +0.50 | 214.80 | 89.50 l | +2.20 | +7.40 +7.38 | +2.20 | +7.35 | -0.80 | +1.53 | 143.20 | 273.87 m | +1.80 | +7.30 | +1.80 | +7.30 | -1.20 | +1.45 | 214.80 | 259.55 n | +3.80 | +5.60 | +3.80 | +5.60 | +0.80 | [[strikethrough]] + [[/strikethrough]] -0.25 | 143.20 | 44.75 var. | +3.00 | +5.85 | +3.00 | +5.85 | .. | .. | .. | .. Plate B 10216 Nov. 10, 1906 [[9 column table]] | x | y | x | y | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- var. | +3.00 | +5.85 | +3.00 | +5.85 | | | | a | +11.05 | +4.35 4.32 | +11.05 | +4.30 | +8.05 | -1.53 | 1440.95 | 273.87 k | +1.80 | +6.35 | +1.80 | +6.35 | -1.20 | +0.50 | 214.80 | 89.50 n | +3.80 | +5.60 | +3.80 | +5.60 | +0.80 | -0.25 | 143.20 | 44.75 o | +3.7 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 5 3.78 | +4.60 | +3.8 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 0 | +4.60 | +0.78 | -1.25 | 139.62 | 223.75 var | +3.00 | +5.85 | +3.00 | +5.85 | | | | mean | 3.00 | 5.85 | | | | | |