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Var. No 121
Oct. 24, 1903
Measures to determine pos. of comp stars for W Arae -49° 11810 17h 49.2 -49 47(1900)

Plate B11633
x y x y Diff x Diff y xx179 yx179
var+6.35 +8.50|+6.35 +8.50|.. ..|.. ..|
a+7.40 +0.20|+7.40 +0.20|+1.05 -8.29 |187.95 1483.91|
b-4.25 +3.80|-4.25 +3.80|-10.60 -4.69|1897.40 839.51|
c -7.55 7.52 +9.75|-7.50 +9.75|-13.87 +1.26|2482.73 225.54|
d +5.15 +5.20|+5.15 +5.20|-1.20 -3.29|214.80 588.91|
e +8.80 8.82 +5.60 5.62|+8.85 +5.65|+2.47 -2.87|442.13 513.73|
f +1.10 +13.25|+1.10 +13.25|-5.25 +4.76|939.75 852.04|
g +3.90 +11.55 11.52|+3.90 +11.50|-2.45 +3.03|438.55 542.37|
h +5.35 +9.20|+5.35 +9.20|-1.00 +0.71|179.00 127.09|
var. +6.35 +8.50|+6.35 +8.50|.. ..|.. ..| 
k +7.40 +10.10|+7.40 +10.10|+1.05 +1.61|187.95 288.19|
l +4.25 +9.30|+4.25 +9.30|-2.10 +0.81|375.90 144.99
m +6.25 6.22 +10.15|+6.20 +10.15|-0.13 +1.66|23.27 297.14|
n +9.80 10.68 10.65|+9.80 +10.70|+3.45 +2.19|617.55 392.01|
o +6.20 +8.82 8.80|+6.20 +8.85|-0.15 +0.33|26.85 59.07|
p +5.90 +7.70|+5.90 +7.70|-0.45 -0.79|80.55 141.41|
g +6.90 +8.95|+6.90 +8.95|+0.55 +0.46|98.45 82.34|
var +6.35 +8.49 8.50|+6.35 +8.45|.. ..|.. ..|
Mean Var. +6.35 +8.49|