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58 On Dec. 1903 Mrs. Fleming found D.M. +15° 4172 20^[[h]] 22.5^[[m]] + 15° 47' (1855) to be MC on spectrum plate I 31193 & suspected it of var. She examined the following plates [[strikethrough]]info[[/strikethrough]] [[3 columned table]] |I 15731|AC 3908|AM 939| |16008|AM 390|AC 2722| |31060|AM 1102|AC 4075| |31029|AM 1302|AC 1541| |30829|AM 1347|AC 1497| |30922|AM 1338|AC 79 | |13468|AM 1375|AC 4058| |15931|AM 1634|AC 1080| |15900|AC 2897|AC 4046| |15899|AM 870 |AC 3996| |14061|AM 862 |AC 78 | |13606|AC 3931|AC 4225| |7065 |AC 2784|AC 88 | |9514 |AC 2734| | |4179 |AC 1724| | |13295|AC 1668| | |16801|AM 600 | | and found "variation of about 0.5 magnitude." "To be measured. Not to be announced [[underlined]]until[[/underlined]] measured." Pos. measured on Page 108 Variability Measured July 1906 by Miss Breslin. This star was suspected of variation by Espin A.U. 145 p. 327 John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the Nasa Astrophysics Data System