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[[underline]] Oct. 19, 1905. [[/underline]]

Variable No. 175.

Var. - 16°5558 
Meas. to det. pos. of Comp Stars of Var.- 
Plate B 20691   20^[[h]] 13 3^[[m]] -16° 10' (1900)

[[9 columned table]]
|   | x | y | x | y | Diff x | Diff y | x×179| y×179|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Var. | +9.35 | +10.70 | +9.35 | +10.65 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
| a | +25.80 ^[[25.82]] | +11.30 ^[[11.28]] | +25.85 | +11.25 | +16.47 | +0.61 | 2948.13 | 109.19 |
| b | +19.25 | +19.30 | +19.25 | +19.30 | +9.90 | +8.63 | 1772.10 | 1544.77 |
| c | +18.70 | +18.30 | +18.70 | +18.30 | +9.35 | +7.63 | [[strikethrough]] 1673.85 [[/strikethrough]] 1673.65 | 1365.77 |
| d | +18.00 | +6.70 | +18.00 | +6.70 | +8.65 | -3.97 | 1548.35 | 710.63 |
| e | +9.55 | +11.35 | +9.55 | +11.35 | +0.20 | +0.68 | 35.80 | 121.72 |
| f | +2.00 | +8.30 | +2.00 | +8.30 | -7.35 | -2.37 | 1315.65 | 424.23 |
| g | +4.50 | +7.80 | +4.50 | +7.80 | -4.85 | -2.87 | 868.15 | 513.73 |
| var | +9.35 | +10.65 | +9.35 | +10.65 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
| h | +5.25 | +12.30 ^[[12.28]] | +5.25 | +12.25 | -4.10 | +1.61 | 733.90 | 288.19 |
| k | +12.40 | +15.85 | +12.40 | +15.85 | +3.05 | +5.18 | 545.95 | 927.22 |
| l | +6.40 | +9.95 | +6.40 | +9.95 | -2.95 | -0.72 | 528.05 | 128.88 |
| m | +8.00 | +11.30 ^[[11.32]] | +8.00 | +11.35 | -1.35 | +0.65 | 241.65 | 116.35 |
| n | +9.35 | +10.05 | +9.35 | +10.05 | 0.00 | -0.62 | 0.00 | 110.98 |
| o | +9.00 | +9.95 ^[[9.92]] | +9.00 | +9.90 | -0.35 | -0.75 | 62.65 | 134.25 |
| p | +8.90 ^[[8.88]] | +10.60 | +8.85 | +10.60 | -0.47 | -0.07 | 84.13 | 12.53 |
| Var. | +9.35 | +10.65 | +9.35 | +10.70 | .. | .. | .. | .. |

Mean Var. +9.35 +10.67