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8 [[underlined]] Var. No. 103 [[/underlined]] August 11, 1903 Meas. to det. pos. of nu Triang. Aust. and comp. stars R.A. 16^h 39.8^m Dec. -67° 36' (1900) Gillis 12039 C.P.D. -67° 3220 magn. 9.7 Plate B 11466 [[9 column table]] | | x | y | x | y | Diff x | Diff y | x X 179 | y X 179 var. | +4.70 | +6.10 | +4.70 | +6.18 |..|..|..|.. a | +9.0^[[8.98]] | +7.90 | +8.95 | +7.90 | +4.28 | + 1.81 | 766.12 | 323.99 b | +2.35 | + 16.40^[[16.38]] | +2.35 | +16.35 | -2.35 | +10.29 | 420.65 | 1841.91 c | +0.30 | +7.30 | +0.30 | +7.30 | -4.40 | +1.21 | 787.60 | 216.59 d | +7.60^[[7.58]] | +10.35^[[10.38]] | +7.55 | +10.40 | +2.88 | +4.29 | 515.52 | 767.91 e | +3.45 | +8.60 | +3.45 | +8.60 | -1.25 | +2.51 | 223.75 | 449.29 f | +7.90 | +0.15 | +7.90 | +0.15 | +3.20 | -5.94 | 572.80 | 1063.26 g | +5.30 | +5.40^[[5.38]] | +5.30 | 5.35 | +0.60 | -0.71 | 107.40 | 127.09 var | +4.70 | +6.10 | +4.70 | +6.05 | .. | .. | .. | .. h | +3.20 | +1.55 | +3.20 | + 1.55 | -1.50 | -4.54 | 268.50 | 812.66 k | +3.40 | +4.65^[[4.68]] | +3.40 | +4.70 | -1.30 | -1.41 | 232.70 | 252.39 l | +[[strikethrough]]3.45[[/strikethrough]]2.25 | +[[strikethrough]]8.55[[/strikethrough]]9.15 | +2.25 | +9.15 | -2.45 | +3.06 | 438.55 | 547.74 m | +5.55 | +7.70 | +5.55 | +7.70 | + 0.85 | + 1.61 | 152.15 | 288.19 o | +6.80 | +4.30 | +6.80 | +4.30 | +2.10 | -1.79 | 375.90 | 320.41 p | +4.85 | +6.45 | +4.85 | +6.45 | +0.15 | +0.36 | 26.85 | 64.44 q | +5.00 | +5.70 | +5.00 | +5.70 | +0.30 | -0.39 | 53.70 | 69.81 var | +4.70^[[4.70]] | +6.10^[[6.09]] | +4.70 | 6.10 | .. | .. | .. | .. [[preprinted on pad]] John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System