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[[underlined]] April 18, 1904 [[/underlined]]

Exam. of plates for Comet Brooks April 1904
Ra Dec.

[[8 column table]]
A.C. 4595|Feb. 2, 1904|16 0|+30|   |   |   | 
A.C. 4646|Feb. 15 1904|16 |+30|   |   |   |   |
A.C. 4704|March 4 1904|18 |+30|   |   |   |   |
[[strikethrough]]A.C.4715|March [[strikethrough]]11[[/strikethrough]]8 1904|17 11 +15 19 +15|   |   |   |   [[/strikethrough]]
A.C. 4748|March 15 1904|19|+15|17 56.0|+20.21|[[symbol-check]]| W.P.F.
AC. 4784|April 1 1904|18|+30|17 27.2|+34 27|[[symbol-check]]|W.P.F|
A.C. 4791|April 2 1904|17|+45|17 25.5|+35 3|65[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]73.826| ECP|
A.C. 4813|April 5 1904|18|+30|17 20.1|+37 7|   |W.P.F.|
A.C. 4834|April 13 1904|17 +45|17 4.0|+42 28|[[symbol-check]]|W.P.F.|
A.C. 4839|April 14 1904|18 +45|16 56.4|+44 25|   |E.C.P.|
I 31629|April 16 1904|   |16 56.3|+44 24|   |E.C.P.|
I 31630|April 16 1904|   |16 56.3|+44 28|   |E.C.P.|
A.C. 4729|March 11 1904|17 00 +15°|18 2.4|+17 29|[[symbol-check]]|6551,872 W.P.F.|

Transcription Notes:
Do not use "", copy/paste as per instructions number of columns and column diviisions not consistent