Viewing page 26 of 136

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[[underlined]] Positions charted Nov.4, 1903 M.C.S. See Chart No. 34 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Var. No 133 [[/underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Oct 30, 1903 [[/underlined]]

Meas to det. pos. of -Coronae Australis
RA 18^h 38.7^m Dec. -38° 52' (1900)
Plate B 11789
[[right margin]]Mean Dec. -38°55'8.0=
                     Sec.  0.10900
|   |x|y|x|y|Diff x[[chi?]]|Diff y|chi[[?]]x179|   |   |
|var|+3.25|+6.75|+3.25|+6.75|..|..|..|..|   |   |
 200.48|Z.C. 18^[[h]] 2179|18^[[h]] 37^[[m]] 
 50.^[[s]] [[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]66 
 146.78|Z.C. 18^[[h]] 2215|18 38 41. 
 [[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]].68 -38|
|c|+12.30 ^[[12.28]]|-3.25|+12.25|-3.25|       
 +9.03|-9.97|1616.37|1784.63|   |   |
 247.02|Z.C. 18^[[h]] 2163|18 37 31. 
 [[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]].79 -38|
 639.03|   |   |
|f|+1.60|+1.15 ^[[1.18]]|+1.60|+1.20|-1.65| 
  -5.54|295.35|991.66|   |   |
 102.03|   |   |
 281.03|   |   |
  173.63|   |   |
var|+3.25|+6.70|+3.25|+6.75|..|..|..|..|   |   |
 273.87|   |   |
|m|+0.40 ^[[0.42]]|+8.30 ^[[8.28]]|+0.45|+8.25|
 -2.83|+1.56|506.57|279.24|   |   |
|n|+4.10|+5.40 ^[[5.42]]|+4.10|+5.45|+0.85|
 -1.30|152.15|232.70|   |   |
|o|+4.25 ^[[4.28]]|+5.25|+4.30|+5.25|+1.03|-1.47|
 184.37|263.13|   |   |
|p|+3.70 ^[[3.72]]|+6.60|+3.75|+6.60|+0.47|-0.12|
 84.13|21.48|   |   |
|q|+4.30 ^[[4.28]]|+6.40 ^[[6.38]]|+4.25|6.35|
 +1.03|-0.34|184.37|60.86|   |   |
|r|+3.10 ^[[3.12]]|+6.75|+3.15|+6.75|-0.13| 
  +0.03|23.27|5.37|   |   |
 39.38|   |   |
 94.87|   |   |
|var.|+3.25 ^[[3.25]]|+6.70 ^[[6.72]]|+3.25|   
 +6.70|..|..|..|..|   |   |
Mean V. +3.25 +6.72
[[left side]]
Diff. X         +3.50      +6.90     +2.25
Log   X         0.54407   0.83885  0.35218
[[underlined]]  1.18600   1.18600  1.18600
[[/underlined]] 1.73007   2.02485  1.53818
No.     53.^[[s.]]71  105.^[[s.]]89  34^[[s.]].53
[[/left side]]

[[right side]]
Diff. yx179 -200".48  -146."78    +247".02
             3' 20".48 2' 26.78   4' 7".02
[[/right side]]