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17 New Var. star in Found by superposing plates R.A. 13^h 51.4^m Dec.-10° 10'|1855 B23399 and BB21580. having a motion, and in looking for image of object found by Professor E.C. Pickering on Plates A 3657 Plate B|Ex. |Date |Magn. |21850 |11 |July 22, 1898|10 |25692 |11 |July 3, 1900|12 |23399 |11 |July 11, 1899|12.2 A|3657 |181 |June 27, 1899|12.5 A|3666 |111 |June 30, 1899|12.3 B|25692 |11 |July 3, 1900|12.2 I|590 |18 |June 28, 1890|<12.5 I|3494 | |April 26, 1891|<12.5 I|8559 |15 |May 20, 1893|11.5 I|25371 |10 |May 28, 1900|12 I|2691 | | [[IMAGE LINE]] I|30599 | |B21092 B|16012 | |B22720 B|10888 | |I20800 B|14118 | |I20800 B|16084 | |I24596 B|28028 | |I24705 B|29181 | |B25513 B|31670 | | B|21887 | | B|23194 | | B|20041 | | Note to the right of these values: May be Nova. look up plates earlier than this date going backwards May be defect. Not found on other plates Wrong star (n plates the star examined above shows no evidence of variation. W.P. Fleming Feb. 23, 1904