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[[underlined]]May 2, 1906.[[/underlined]]

Meas. of comparison stars for Algol Var. found April 14, 1906 on AM 3695. CDM -30° 16169 18 38 4.2 -30 372(1875) 8.8  
[[right margin]]
[[2 columned table]]
|Log of Dec. of Var.|0.0652167|
|   |[[underlined]]1.07700[[/underlined]]|
|   |1.14222|
[[/right margin]]

Plate B25427      
[[9 columned table]]
|   |x|y|x|y|Diff x|Diff y|x × 179|y × 179|
|a|+0.60^[[0.58]]|+9.60^[[9.58]]|+0.55|+9.55|-9.06|-2.67|1621.74|477.93 [[strikethrough]]CPD[[/strikethrough]]|

[[6 columned table]]
(m)+2.66^[[x mm.]]=Log.|0.42488|(o)=-0.36 9.55630|(p)+0.89 9.94939|
|   |[[underlined]]1.14222|   |1.14222|   |1.14222[[/underlined]]|
|   |1.56710|   |0.69852|   |1.09161 |
|   |36.91|   |4.99|   |12.35|

(m)=R.A.[strikethrough]18^[[h]] 37^[[m]] 27.3^[[s]] -30°33.0'(1875)[/strikethrough] o=18^[[h]] 37^[[m]] 59.2^[[s]] -30°39.2' p=18 38 16.6-30°37.6'
18 38 41.1 - 30 41.4

[[2 columned table]]
|   |[[underlined]]1.14222[[/underlined]]|
|   |0.99348|

18^[[h]] 37^[[m]] 54.4^[[s]] -30° 35.0'

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System