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19 July 12, 1905 [[5 columned table]] |Plate|Date|Exp.|Est.| | |---|---|---|---|---| |AC1817| |8.27 8.42|e3,1f ✓|8.52 8.57 8.42=8.50 07 [[underlined]]08[[/underlined]]| |AC1708| | |a5,1f ✓| | |AC1318| | |a5,1f ✓| | |AC1302| | |f1,2c ✓| | |AC4348| | |f2,2c ✓| | |AC1297| | |a5,1f ✓| | |AC1295| | |f2,1c ✓| | |AC1260| | |a5,1f ✓✓| | |AC1258| |10.08|m4,0n,30|10.48 10.43 10.58 10.43 10.28=10.40 08 03 [[underlined]]12[[/underlined]]| |AC1165| |10.28|a5,1f ✓| | |B3159| |✓10.58|03,0p q s ✓| | July 13, 1905 [[2 columned table]] |A6558|h than c, film badly damaged at f in defective region &c on edge of it.| |A6563|a5,1f ✓| [[underlined]]July 2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]1, 1905[[/underlined]] [[7 columned table]] |I33208|[[strikethrough]]Date[[/strikethrough]]|[[strikethrough]]Apt[[/strikethrough]] 11^[[m]]|7.70|c3,2d| |8.05 [[strikethrough]]7.[[/strikethrough]] 8.00 7.85=7.92^[[✓]] 08 [[underlined]]07[[/underlined]]| | |I33209| |10|7.70 7.95|c4,1d|8.05 8.10 7.95=8.02^[[✓]] 08 [[underlined]]07[[/underlined]]| | |I33212| |10|9.46|h3 s|[[underlined]]9.76[[/underlined]]^[[✓]]|Poor pl| |I33210| |10|l2, 1f| | |I33211| |10|g2, 3h| | |C15857| |105|c2, 3d 1st exp.| | |C15857| |105|c3, 3d 2nd exp.| | |C15857| |105|c3, 2d 3rd exp.| | |C15857| |105|c4, 2d 4th exp.| | |C15857| |105|c4, 2d 5th exp.| | |C15857| |105|c4, 2d 6th exp.| | |C15857| |105|c4, 2d 7th exp.| |
Transcription Notes: