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25 August 19, 1905. Exam. of plates for ident. of V Draconis. for enl. [[3 column tables]] |Plate | Date | Ex. | |------|-------------|--------| |I20736|April 21 1898|10^[[m]]| |I23165| July 11 1899|28^[[m]]| |I9181 | Aug 11 1893|19^[[m]]| |I15795| Aug 28 1896|11^[[m]]| |I13551|Sept. 30 1895|12^[[m]]| |I6744 | Aug. 17 1892|15^[[m]]| |I27442| Sept. 7 1901|15^[[m]]| |I18739| Sept. 9 1897|12^[[m]]| |I20498|March 14 1898|20^[[m]]| |I20841| June 9 1898|15^[[m]]| |I32044|Sept. 16 1904|16^[[m]]| |I25897| Oct. 4 1900|29^[[m]]| |I6743 |Aug✓ 17✓ 1892|14^[[m]]| |I27166| June 30 1901| 9^[[m]]| |I22765|April 22 1899|14^[[m]]| |I15850| Sept. 1 1896|13^[[m]]| |I21506| Oct. 25 1898|10^[[m]]| |I25179|April 15 1900|16^[[m]]| |I29253|Sept. 10 1902|12^[[m]]| |I21210| Sept 17 1898|10^[[m]]| |I20657| April 7 1898|15^[[m]]| [[4 column table]] |---|Plate | Date | Ex. | |---|----|-------------|---| A.C.|5115|July 31 1904 |57| A.C.|5364|Oct 15 1904 |71| A.C.|5383|Oct 17 1904 |61| A.C.|5289|Sept 27 1904 |69| A.C.|5517|Nov 12 1904 |83| A.C.|5162|Aug 22 1904 |75| A.C.|5593|Nov 25 1904 |63| A.C.|5111|July 30 1904 |86| A.C.|5720|Aug 14 1904 |94| A.C.|5099|July 27 1904 |69| A.C.|5839|Jan 14 1904 |60| A.C.|4944|June 9 1904 |60| A.C.|4727|March 9 1904 |60| A.C.|4134|Oct 30 1903 |90| A.C.|5518|Oct 24 1904 |61| A.C.|5914|Jan 28 1905 |40| A.C.|6021|Feb 17 1905 |58| A.C.|6074|Feb 26 1905 |63| A.C.|6141|March 8 1905 |60| A.C.|6150|March 10 1905|61| A.C.|6189|March 16 1905|58| A.C.|6506|July 12 1905 |62| A.C.|6217|March 23 1905|72| A.C.|3797|Aug 1 1903 |84| A.C.|5065|July 16 1904 |68| A.C.|4868|April 30 1904|60| [[right column]] Plate | Date | Ex. |[[/right column]] [[arrow]] The above plates show a slight change in BD. + 54° 1925 17 54.7+54.7^[[1855 pos. magn. 7.5]] suspected of variation on I32998, "Sp. Md 3, new var?? Look up and other plates, especially A.C. and AJ plates. An explanation of a number of AC Plates confines a variation of at least 0.6 magnitudes. N.P.F. Have notified Mr. L. Campbell, to obs. with V Dreconis & section formation usually.
Transcription Notes: