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September 5, 1905

Meas. of light of Nova Aqulae No 2
Position on map of sky no. 31 [10,69].

Plate [[strikethrough]] C 15938 [[/strikethrough]] Date Ex. Mag. Est
C*15938-|Sept. 1, 1905.|42^[[m]]|9.89 10.47|g2, 2h|10.09 10.67|10.47 = 10.28 = 1919|
15[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]933|Aug. 31, 1905|30|9.89 10.57|g3, 1h|10.19 10.67|10.57 = 10.38 = 1919|
15930|Aug. 31, 1905|10|9.89 10.57|g3, 1h|10.19 10.67|10.57 = 10.38 = 1919|
15931|Aug. 31, 1905|20|9.89 10.57|g3, 1h|10.19 10.67|10.57 = 10.38 = 1919|
[[strikethrough]] 15934|Aug. 31, 1905|26|   |k2, n| 
  |   | [[/strikethrough]]
B 2655|May 22, 1888|22|11.90|o2, n|12.1|   |
B 2656|May 22, 1888|16|11.90|o4, n|12.3|   |
B 3013|Oct 18, 1888|11|11.90|o4, n|12.3|   |
AC 6565|Aug 2, 1905|60|11.30|n2, n|11.50|   |
AC 6576|Aug 4, 1905|58|10.67|h2, n|10.87|   |
AC [[strikethrough]]56[[/strikethrough]]6590|Aug 10, 1905|85|9.57|[[strikethrough]]r3, n[[/strikethrough]]c1, n|9.67|
I 17844|Apr 12, 1897|   |12.97|r3, n|13.27|   |
AC 6614|Aug 21, 1905|63|9.17|[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]b2, 4c|9.37|9.17 = 9.27 1010|
AC* 6632|Aug 26, 1905|67|9.17 9.79|d4, 2l|10.19|9.89 = 10.04 1515|
AC 6643|Aug 31, 1905|60|9.89|e4, 1f|10.09 10.49|10.07 = 10.28|
[[strikethrough]]AI 4093|Aug 23, 1905|60|b2 cns|   |[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]C 15932|Aug 31, 1905|   |f1 n|   |[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]C 15937|Sept 1, 1905|46|too poor|   |[[/strikethrough]]
A 6506|Aug 15, 1903|240|15.27|alpha 4, n|15.67|   |
I 1494|July 20, 1890|11|11.90|o5, n|12.04|   |
I 33300|Sept 1, 1905|   |9.89 10.57|g5, 1h|10.39 10.67|10.57 = 10.48 0909|
I 33301|Sept 1, 1905|33|9.89 10.57|g5, 1h|10.39 10.67|10.57 = 10.48 0909|
I 33303|Sept 1, 1905|27|9.89 10.47|g5, 2h|10.39 10.67|10.47 = 10.43 0404|
I 11185|June 13, 1894|19|12.38|p3, n|12.68|   |
C 15907|Aug 18, 1905|75|8.67a 8.97|a[[strikethrough]]b[[/strikethrough]]5, 2b[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]|9.17 9.17|8.97 = 9.07 1010|
I 33294 [sp]|Aug 21, 1905|60|9.89 10.57|g5, 1h|10.39 10.67|10.57 = 1a48 0909|