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September 6, 1905.
1 in to 1 mm.                        No2.
Meas. of [[strikethrough]]faint[[/strikethrough]] stars in vicinity of Nova Aquilae, Region 2.5 cm sequence. Pos. of Nova assumed as region of origin. 

Plate A.6506

[[5 columned table]]
|   | x | y | x | y |
|nova|0.00|0.00|   |   |
|   |+0.45^[[0.42]]|0.32 +0.35^[[-0.32]]|+0.40|+0.30|
|   |+1.10|+1.25|+110|+1.25|
|   |+1.25^[[1.22]]|+1.35|+120|+1.35|
|   |+1.75^[[1.78]]|+1.75^[[1.78]]|+1.80|+1.80|
|   |+1.90|+1.90|+1.90|+1.90|
|   |+1.90|+1.35^[[1.32]]|+1.90|+1.30|
|   |+1.35|+1.65|+1.35|+1.65|
|   |+0.50|+1.80^[[1.78]]|+0.50|+1.75|
|   |+0.65|+1.70|+0.65|+1.70
|   |-0.50|+0.80|-0.50|+0.80|
|   |-0.50|+1.25|-0.50|+1.25|
|   |-0.85|+1.70|-0.85|+1.70|
|   |-0.70|+1.85|-0.70|+1.85|
|   |-1.20|+1.20|-1.20|+1.20|
|   |-1.50|+1.00|-1.50|+1.00|
|   |-1.65|+1.30|-1.65|+1.30|
|   |-18.5|+1.80|-1.85|+1.80|
|   |-1.30^[[1.32]]|+0.40|1.35|+0.40|
|   |-1.75^[[1.78]]|+0.10|-1.80|+0.10|