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February 9, 1906

Exam. of plates for confirmation of variability of No. 5325 Sp. Md on [[strikethrough]]B[[/strikethrough]]I 33561. 20^[[h]] 13^[[m]].0 + 33° 55' (1855)
Approx 20^[[h]] 14^[[m]].7 + 34^[[h]] 03' (1900)

[[5 columned table]]
|Plate|Date|Ex.| Est.|   |
|I 11965|Nov. 22, 1894|22|9.9|Gul.?|
|I 13049|July 10, 1897|18|<12|   |
|I 18928|Sept. 18, 1897|10|12.5|Ident.|
|I 22897|May 23, 1899|14|<12|   |
|I 9418 |Sept. 9, 1893|12|9.9|   |
|I 16259|Oct. 24, 1896|10|<12|These plates exam May 18 1906|  
|I 9457|Oct. 12, 1893|28|9.9|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 20993|July 7, 1898|15|10.5|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 22920|May 24, 1899|10|<11.5|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 31043|Oct. 24, 1903|27|11.0?|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 8879|July 21, 1893|11|<10.5|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 11374|Aug. 18, 1894|10|<11.0|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 9980|Nov. 22, 1893|-|10.0|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 30984|Oct. 13, 1903|18|11.5|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 31018|Oct. 20 1903|19|11.5|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 30981|Oct. 6, 1903|10|<10|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 25972|Oct. 20 1900|13|<11|These plates exam May 18 1906|
|I 30954|Sept. 28 1903|11|11.5|These plates exam May 18 1906|

An exam. of the above plates shows a variation of more than 2.0 magns. about 2.6 magns. 9.9-12.5
W. P. Fleming.
✓Conf. by LD Wells.
John C. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data Systems