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December 14, 1906.

Exam of plates to det. var. if any in No. 6249 on I33929 DM +1°2189 8 45.4 +1' 26.8 9.2 (1855 pos.) Sp. Type III Md? var?

[[3 column table]]
|I33929 Spect.|March 20 1906|63^[[m]]|
|B29679|May 15 1902|10^[[m]]|
|AM4138|March 24 1906|70^[[m]]|
|AM4052|January 26 1906|64^[[m]]|
|AM4117|Feb. 17 1906|61^[[m]]|
|B27239|April 23 1901|10^[[m]]|
|I23920|Oct. 21 1899|10^[[m]]|
|I32487|Jan. 7 1906|43|
|I10688|Feb. 16 1894|10|
|I10472|Jan. 19 1894|10|
|I22085|Dec. 29 1898|14|
|I26315|Dec. 24 1900|13|
|I17741|April 1 1897|14|
|I14934|April 16 1896|13|
|I20141|Feb. 3 1898|11^[[m]]|
[[/3 column table]]

An examination of the above plates fails to [[strikethrough]]any[[/strikethrough]] sufficient evidence of variation in this star.

W.P.F.    Dec. 14, 1906.