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| Date of Entry | Ref. To Ex. Of Plate.|   |
|- - -|- - -|- - -|
|   |   |Looked up on B 9225, 11172, 13194, 13196. No. 27 = U.A.210 and is about equal to A.G.C. 14201.|
|   |   |Looked up on B plates 10984, 10996, 11172, 12814 & 13196. No. 28 = U.A.234 and is about .4 brighter than A.G.C. 14968|
|   |   |Looked up on B plates 9716, 10877, 11001, 13253, 13882 and is about .5 brighter than A.G.C. 17222 on 9716, 10877, 132532 &  13882 and about .2 brighter on B 11001.|
|   |   |U.A. 20 Centaurus. 18 1/5 position was originally 11h 10 [[?]] 55 s - 37º 43’0 which equals Markurick’s No. 20 on his chart. In U.A.Cat the 1875 position on being compared with A.G.CCat was changed to 11h 11 [[?]] 14 s - 37º 20’ which equals Mark’s star (a); Thus disposing of Mark’s note; & No. 20 on U.A. Chart does not exist. I see B plate 13926.|
|   |   |Looked up on B plates 7648, 9389, 10892,  11588 & 14022 and is about .3 fainter than U.A. Lupus 45.|
|.  |.  |Looked up on plates B 8717, 9925, 10460, 11070, 11700 & 12885 is about equal to A.G.C. 27805.|
|March 19 1897|   | [[strikethrough]] Proved to be Var. by Dr. Gill See Astr. Nach No. 3426 p 285.|

John G Wolbach Library Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System