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[[underlined]]August 29, 1892[[/underlined]]
Meas. of new variable in star in Horologium
For measure of pos. of var. & comp. stars see *[[strikethrough]] B.2 [[/strikethrough]] p. 43 *Measured in Book 2 superposed.
* RA. 2^[[h]] 49.^[[m]] Dec.-50°
*Examine book 2 and see that letter of comp. stars agree with ^[[those on B 4067]]

Plate B4067 taken August 21, 1889.
[[2 columned table]]
| var. | var. on [[underline]] edge [[underline]] of plate is about [[strikethrough]][[frn]][[/strikethrough]] 3? magns. br. than h.
| a | Va |
| b |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| c |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| d |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| e |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| f |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| g |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| h |For identification of comparison stars see p. 43. and ^[[also]] Chart given below.|
| k |
| l |
| m |

b c h 
l m
k g
p w e f f.
a S.

Chart from B5691.

* Identified later as [[strikethrough]]CPD[[/strikethrough]]CDM -50° 860 2 49.7 - 50 24 (1875)
2 50.6 - 50 18 (1900)
CPD Magn. 10.0

Transcription Notes:
image = star chart