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33 August 29, 1892. Meas. of new var. No. [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]3 in Sagittarius (Continued). [[table]] Plate B 5944 taken May 17, 1891. [[L margin]] [[equation]] [[/L margin]] —— a|5.9|7.5 b|6.4|8.0 c|6.9|8.5 d|7.1|8.7 e|7.5|9.1 —— f|7.4|9.0 g|8.0|9.6 h|8.5|10.1|[[strikethrough]]10.2[[/strikethrough]]10.7 var.|n.s.|F. [[?]] 10.0|[[strikethrough]][[L?]]11.7[[/strikethrough]][[L?]]12.2 [[/table]] [[table]] Plate B5945 taken May 17, 1891. [[L margin]] Images near edge of plate. Hard to measure. [[equations]] [[/L margin]] —— a|5.0|7.5 b|5.4|7.9 c|6.0|8.5 d|6.3|8.8 e|6.8|9.3 —— f|6.9|9.4 g|7.5|10.0 h|8.1|10.6|10.7 var.|n.s.|f. [[?]] 10.0|12.6 [[/table]] Plate B6172 taken June 2, 1891. Images [[underline]]too[[/underline]] poor to measure. h barely visible. var. not seen.
Transcription Notes:
* lines appear to be delineation of data, rather than underlines; transcribed using “——“