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30 August 29, 1892. Meas. of new variable star No. [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]3 in Sagittarius. Measure of pos. of var. and comp. stars in B.2 p.39 [[Rd. Dec.]] Plate B 3503 taken June 10, 1889 [[left margin]] Trails [[/left margin]] [[underlined]]Plate[[/underlined]] B3503 taken June 10, 1889. [[3 columned table]] |a|3.5|7.4| |b|4.3|8.2| |c|[[strikethrough]]5.0[[/strikethrough]]4.6|8.5| |d|4.9|8.8| |e|5.1|9.0| |f|5.4|9.3| |g|5.8|9.7| |h|6.4|10.3| |var.|7.1|11.0| [[left margin]] 84 [[underlined]]4.5[[/underlined]] 3.9 5 [[underlined]]224[[/underlined]] 4.48 [[/left margin]] [[image]] N p d h c [[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]e b a f f S Pl. B4350. [[left margin]] Near edge of plate Images very poor. 84 [[underlined]]67[[/underlined]] 1.7 5 [[underlied]]337[[/underlined]] 6.74 [[/left margin]] Plate B3613 taken June 20, 1889. [[3 columned table]] |a|5.5|7.2| |b|6.1|7.7| |c|7.0|8.7| |d|7.3|9.0| |e|7.8|9.5| |f|8.3|10.0| |g|9.0|10.7|10.2| |h|N.S.|gamma+| |var.|N.S.|gamma+ ftr than. 10.0|
Transcription Notes:
image = star chart