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49 August 31, 1892 Meas of new var. in Octans (Continued) [[left margin]] [[equation]] [[equation]] [[/left margin]] [[underlined]]Plate[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]B 3316 taken [[3 columned table]] |[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]v| 7.3| 7.6| |[[strikethrough]]b[[/strikethrough]]a| 6.4| 6.7| |near edge[[underlined]] c|6.9[[/underlined]]| 7.2| |d | 7.4 |7.7| |e | 7.9 |8.2| |f | 8.2 |8.5| |g | 8.4 |8.7| |h | 8.8 |9.1| |k | 9.2 |9.5 | |l | 9.8 |10.1| |m|10.2|10.5 7.72 7.12 = 7.42 .30 [[underlined]].30[[/underlined]]| |var. | 7.2 |7.5| [[left margin]] [[equation]] [[equation]] [[/left margin]] Plate [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]B 3317 taken [[3 columned table]] |[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]v | 5.4 |7.2| |[[strikethrough]]b[[/strikethrough]]a | 5.0 6.8| |near edge [[underlined]]c|5.7[[/underlined]]|7.5| |d|6.2|8.0| |e|6.8|8.6| |f|7.3|9.1| |g|7.4|9.2| |h|7.8|9.6| |k|8.0|9.8| |l|8.7|10.5| |m|9.2|11.0 7.78 7.65 = 7.76 .11 [[underlined]].11[[/underlined]] |var| 6.0|7.8| John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics*Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System