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August 31, 1892 

Meas of new var in Octans (Continued) 

Plate [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]B 3336. taken 

|b [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]]|5.7|7.1|
|a [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]]|5.5|6.9|
|c|6.2|7.6|             ^[[Near edge]]                     
|d|6.7|8.1|             [[equation]]         
|l|9.2|10.6|            7.87 | 7.65 = 7.76 | .11 | .11

Plate [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]B 3338 taken 
|b [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]]|5.4|6.8|
|a [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]]|5.8|7.2|
|c|6.2|7.6|             ^[[Near edge]]
|d|6.8|8.2|              [[equation]]
|l|9.2|10.6|.            7.67 | 7.35 = 7.51 | .16 | .16

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System