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May 5,1893

BD - 14° 1126 I may be wrong.
13D. place for 1855 5^h 18^m 53^s.8 - 14°15'.6
See photographs.

The position of this star on plate I3380 agrees with that of the DM. Catalogue. No star on plate fol. 0.0m (N.3'). Within 20' in dec.

13D. - 10° 1331 8.5 5^h 51^m 32^s.3 - 10° 53'.6
Bessel's zone 261 contains these and also a third star 7^s following the second and 3' north of it, which is not in the BD. near the place given by Bessel. Schönfeld identifies it with BD - 11° 1345, 8.5
5^h 51^m 49^s.1 -11° 3.6
Plate I 124 fails to show the "third star" mentioned above.

Transcription Notes:
no' could be 20' not sure