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January 31, 1894

Exam of 47 Tucanae photos. (Cont).
[[3 columned table]]
|   |Plate X 4993|   |
|   |h 1|   |
|11.0|c 3 P|11.3 11.4 = 11.35|
|11.4|P 3 e|11.7|
|11.0|c 6 Q|11.6 11.7 11.6 = 11.63|
|11.7|Q 0 e|11.7|
|11.6|Q 5 d|12.1|
|   |Plate X 5189|   |
|   |c 2|   |
|   |P n.s.|   |
|   |Plate X 5193|   |
|   |n 2|   |
|11.7|[[strikethrough]]P 1[[/strikethrough]]e 1 P|11.8 11.7 = 11.75|
|11.7|P 4 d|12.1|
|   |Plate X 5173|   |
|   |p 1|   |
|11.7|e 4 P|12.1 12.0 = 12.05|
|12.0|P 1 d|12.1|
|   |[[strikethrough]]q 3[[/strikethrough]]|   |
|   |Plate X 5212|   |
|   |q 3|   | 
|11.7|e 2 P|11.9 11.9= 11.90.|
|11.9|P 2 d|12.1|