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Mean 5

[[11 columned table]]
|½ cos d.|No.|R.A.|Dec.|Mag.|H|V|H'|Red. of [[strikethrough]]D.M.[[/strikethrough]] stars to 1900|Cor. Br.|Br.| 
|   |133🗸|0 43.6|+44🗸 20|5.9🗸|86.6|45.3|   |0 44.7 +44 27 •🗸 
|🗸DM. 176 🗸0 42.2 +44 12🗸|[[underlined]]•🗸•••🗸[[/underlined]]|
|[[strikethrough]]DM|148|0 48.3|+34 24|7.0|91.3|35.4|89.1|0 50.7 +34 39[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |
|0.2 5.9|159🗸|0 53.4|+44 .3|[[strikethrough]]5.8[[/strikethrough]]5.7|89.4|45.4|91.1|0 54.4 +44 10 •🗸 🗸DM. 193🗸 0 51.9 +43 55|🗸5.2|[[underlined]]5.7🗸[[/underlined]]🗸|
|   |189🗸|[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]1 0[[/strikethrough]] 3.8|+54 31|4.4🗸|31.8|55.5|31.2|1 5.0 +54 37 •🗸|🗸[[underlined]]•|🗸•••[[/underlined]]🗸
|   |198🗸|1 7.3|+23🗸 56|4.6🗸|33.7|25.4|33.4|1 8.3 +24 3 •🗸|🗸[[underlined]]5.6^[[5.3]]}|6.1^[[5.8]]}🗸🗸[[/underlined]]🗸|

Mean 10
[[8 columned table]]
|½ cos d.|No.|R.A.|Dec.|Mag.|Red. of [[strikethrough]]D.M.[[/strikethrough]] stars to 1900|Cor. Br.|Br.| 
|23 37 +74.6|4098🗸|23 4.1|+74 44|4.5🗸|23 4.7 +74 51 •🗸|🗸[[underlined]]6.1^[[5.5]]}|7.1^[[6.5]]}🗸[[/underlined]]|
|23 10 +73.4^[[0.7 7.1]]|4112🗸|23 10.3|+73 35|5.6🗸|23 11.0 +73 41 •🗸|🗸5.4|6.4🗸|
|22 33 +62.9^[[0.4 6.5]]|4009🗸|22 34.4|+62 58|5.2🗸|22 35.1 +63 4^[[DM. 2102 22 33.5 +62 50]] •🗸|🗸5.1|6.1🗸|
|22 32 +72.9|4002🗸|22 32.8|+73 1|5.3🗸|22 33.3 +73 7 •🗸|🗸4.9|5.9🗸|
|23 2 +62.9|D.M 2171🗸|23 1.9|+62 51|6.2🗸|23 3.7 +63 6 •🗸|🗸5.8|6.8🗸|
|23 27 +71.2|D.M 1208🗸|23 26.4|+71 12|6.8🗸|23 28.1 +71 27 •🗸|🗸5.9|6.9🗸|
|23 10.5 +70.1|4115🗸|23 11.0|+70 14|5.5🗸|23 11.8 +70 20 •🗸|🗸4.7|5.7🗸|
|22 29 +69.6|D.M 1263🗸|22 29.2|+69 37|6.2🗸|22 30.4 +69 51 •🗸|🗸5.3|6.3🗸|
|23 21 +69.5^[[06 6.4]]|4150🗸|23 22.2|+69 42|5.7🗸|23 23.1 +69 48 •🗸|🗸4.8|5.8🗸|
|23 0.3 +58.6^[[0.4 5.7]]|4086🗸|23 1.5|+58 47|5.0🗸|23 2.4 +58 53 •🗸|🗸4.3|5.3🗸|
|23 3.8 +58.5|4099🗸|23 4.6|+58 41|5.4🗸|23 5.4 +58 47 •🗸|🗸5.4|6.4🗸|
|23 23.5 +57.7^[[0.3 5.8]]|4153🗸|23 24.5|+57 53|4.8🗸|23 25.4 +57 59 •🗸|🗸4.5|5.5🗸|
|23 12 +67.3|4127🗸|23 13.8|+67 28|4.9🗸|23 14.5 +67 33 •🗸|🗸5.1^[[4.8]]}|6.1^[[5.8]]}🗸|
|23 41 +67.0^[[0.5 5.9]]|4204🗸|23 42|+67 8|5.1🗸|23 43.1 +67 15 •🗸|🗸4.4|5.4🗸|

[[11 columned table]]
|½ cos d.|No.|R.A.|Dec.|Mag.|H|V|H'|Red. of [[strikethrough]]D.M.[[/strikethrough]] stars to 1900|Cor. Br.|Br.| 
|0.1 6.9|🗸3861🗸|21 44.5|+29 37|5.0🗸|70.1|38.0|69.5|21 45.4 +29 23 •🗸|   |6.8🗸🗸|
|   |🗸3843🗸|21 39.2|+25 6|4.2🗸|69.4|28.1|69.4|21 40.3 +25 11 •🗸|   |6.4🗸🗸|
|0.1 6.8|🗸3867🗸|21 47.6|+25 22|5.0🗸|69.2|28.2|68.5|21 48.5 +25 27 •🗸|   |6.7🗸🗸|
|   |🗸3784🗸|21 22.4|+36 36|5.1🗸|66.0|38.0|68.8|21 23.2 +36 41 •🗸|   |[[underlined]]6.8🗸[[/underlined]]🗸|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Provided by the NASA Astrophysics

Transcription Notes:
I repeated the column heads in each of the tables so a reader could tell what columns were not included in the middle section (Mean 10). Please use the gray Save button rather than Complete and Mark for Review if it isn't done yet