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[[ 7 columns]]
|---|---|---|---|---|RA 1900|Dec|

|✓+11° 305 |2 7.2 |+11° 34'| 8.9 |(1855)| 2^h 9.6^m | +11 47
|✓|---|21 34.5 |-65.6|---|(approx 1875)|21 36.6 |+11 47|-65° 30 
|✓ 3 1873 |7 15.9 |-3.° 56.8|9.2|(1855)|7 18.1|-4 2
✓ -17 2442 |8 13.2 |-17 49 |9.1 |(1855)|8 15.2 |-17 57
Z.11^h 129 |11 1.8 |-54 27 |9 |(1875) |11 [[strikethrough]] 55.3 [[/strikethrough]]2.9 54 [[strikethrough]] 33 [[/strikethrough]]35
[[strikethrough]] -11 1941 | 7 20.3 | -11 26 | 8.9 | (1855) | 7 22.4 | -11 31 [[/strikethrough]]
Z.C.18^h 1935 |18 33.2 |-51 52 |9 |(1875)|18 35.2 |-51 51
✓ Bk.4.176 |11 54.1 |-54 25 |(1875)|approx.| 11 54.4 |-54 33
✓ Bk.4 p.89- |10 42.5 |-65.5 |(computed 1900) |10 42.5|65 
✓ |   |9 13.0 |-65 43 |(approx 1875) |9 13.5 |-65 4

*Measured by Espin as -3° 1886. Astron. Nach. 118, 259.