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December 21, 1894
[[underline]]H.P 1240 and 1228.[[/underline]]
Examination of Charts to determine magn.
of star known as H 1240 which seems to be 
identical with CDM -27° 3082 R.A. 6^[[h]] 27^[[m]] 58.8^[[s]]
Dec. -27° 50.0 (1875) magn. 8.7 = A.G.C. A.G.C. 8018 magn 8½

Plates B 4513, 4548, 4626, 7184, and 10487
examined shows that the star is about
0.1 magn. fainter than CDM -27° 3085 R.A. 6^[[h]] 28^[[m]] 11.0^[[s]]
Dec. -27° 54.8 magn. 9.9, and about 0.5 magn.
brighter than CDM -27° 3072 R.A. 6^[[h]] 27^[[m]] 235^[[s]] Dec. -27° 55.0
magn. 9.8 and the examination gives no
evidence of variation.

The star measured in Vol.XIV p.411 is therefore
assumed to be CDM -27° 3068 R.A. 6^[[h]] 27^[[m]] 4.5^[[s]] Dec. -27° 56.3
magn. 7.9 which equals A.G.C. 8000 magn. 8¼

The star H 1240 in Table XXVII of Vol.XIV p.150 is
an additional observation of H1228.