Viewing page 223 of 230

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[[preprinted]] 219[[/preprinted]]

Type III
Var. [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] Known
Type IV Var. [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] Known
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
var.? Not confirmed see cover B37610 see also B41702
Var. [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] Type IV Known Type IV New var.
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
Type III
var? Known blud line is Transferred to "Pec. list" May 1910
74 chart plates exam. & no evidence found  See Book 75 p.149 & cover B37613
Gas. Neb. Known
[[strikethrough]] T[[/strikethrough]]
Type III
Type III Var. [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] Known SW Scorpii
Type V