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[[preprinted]] 1 [[/preprinted]] 
[[underlined]] Contents [[/underlined]]
|M.F.|New var. in Aquila 19^[[h]] 53.7 -8[[symbol-degree symbol]] 10^[[']] (1900) Md, on B13416 No. 7106.|4-13,|
|M.F.|New var. in Vela CDm -41[[symbol-degree symbol]] 6787 11 44.1 -41 12 (1900) Md on B13157 No. 6889|14-20,|
|M.F.|Nova Carinae 11 5.1-60 19 (1900) B13027 No 6510|21-34,|
|M.F.|New var. in Scorpius 17 8.3 -33 19 (1900) Md on B13766 No. 7342|35-46,|
|M.F.|New var. in Pegasus BD +5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4928 21 56.1 +5 39 (1900) Md. on B13512 No. 7237|47-54|
M.F New Var. in Centaurus Z.C.^[[h]] 113351 1150.0-5842 (1900) Md on B 13762 No. 7309|55-65| 
|L.D.W|New var. in Lupus A.G.C. 19416 14 15.7 -49 24 (1900) [[strikethrough]] Md [[/strikethrough]] IV type B13035 No. 6536|66-73| 
|I.E. Espin|New var. in Aquilae 19 50.2 -2 16 (1855) Md on B13416 No 7105 |74-81,| 
|L.D.W|New. var. in Cetus BD -1[[symbol - degree symbol]] 475 3 12.0 -1 36 (1855)|82,-89,|
|M.F.| Nova Normae 15-50|90-93,164,-165,|
|   |I Andromeda|B5 p96. 94-104| 
|   |H.P. 2894|105-109| 
|M.F.|Nova Centauri 13 32 52 -31 0 (1875) Pec!! B14151 No. 8237|110-[[strikethrough]] 116[[/strikethrough]] 133,161,-174,-175,|
|L.D.W.|New Algol acn in Delphinus BD +17[[symbol - degree symbol]]4367  |134-159,162,166-170| 
|   |Nova Perseas. Ex. of line in Spectrum|160|
|   |[[Nu]] Cephei|163|
|   |Exam. of plates for Prof. Searle's Susp. vars.|171-173|
|   |Exam. of Spectra of O Ceti|176-188|
|M.F.|New var. in Pavonis 19 36.6 -72 5 (1875) Md B13777 No. 7401|189-201,|
|M.F.|New var. in Sagittarius 19 6.1 -19 4 (1855) Md B14380 No. 8039|202-B8 p4, [[strikethrough]] 213[[/strikethrough]]|
|M.F.|New var. in Sagittarius SD 19[[symbol - degree symbol]][[strikethrough]] 4367[[/strikethrough]] 19 -19 (1855)|205-B8 p6.|
|   |Exam. of Bright Hydrogen lines in Spectra of a Ceti|214-217,|
|   |Nova Persei. Meas. of comparison stars|218 B1 p.|

Transcription Notes:
***NOT FINISHED*** Reopened for Editing 2023-11-05 19:33:53 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-06 08:46:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 11:10:30 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 13:50:42 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 16:34:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 07:40:17