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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]] October 24, 1895 Meas. of new var. in Aquila (Cont). Plate B7681 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |11.4|l=.2| | | |v n.s.|<11.6| [[/table]] Plate B8008 Sp [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |8.6|c=.1| | | |v n.s.|<8.7| [[/table]] Plate B13730 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |10.0|g3v|10.3 10.0 =10.15| |10.0|v3h|10.3| [[/table]] Plate I 11189 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |[[strikethrough]]10.8[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]var.|9.3[[/underlined]]|11.1 11.2 = 11.15| |a|6.5|8.1| |b|6.7|8.3| |c|7.0|8.6| |d|7.3|8.9| |e|7.7|9.3| |f|8.1|9.7| |[[underlined]]g|8.3[[/underlined]]|9.9| |h|8.7|10.3| |k|9.0|10.6| |l|9.5|11.1| |m|10.0|11.6| |n|10.4|12.2| |10.8|k3v|11.1 11.2 =11.15| |11.2|v2h|11.4| [[/table]] [[annotation]] 9.0 [[underlined]]7.4[[/underlined]] 1.6 7.37[[/annotation]] [[annotation]] meas pos. B.13730[[/annotation]] [[annotation]] enl. B.13730[[/annotation]] B13416sp [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |a|Cl F |10.0 g1v 10.1| |b|k|h n.s.| |c|F| | |d|F| | |e|ft| | [[/table]]
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Reopened for Editing 2023-11-03 21:56:28
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