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[[preprinted]]20[[/preprinted]] October 26, 1895. Meas of new var. in [[strikethrough]] Vela [[/strikethrough]] Centaurus (Cont). Plate B4837 [[table]] | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| |[[strikethrough]] 7.5 [[/strikethrough]] 7.49|a 7 v|[[strikethrough]] 8.2 [[/strikethrough]] 8.19|[[strikethrough]] 8.3=8.25 [[/strikethrough]] 8.25=8.22|[[underlined]] .03 [[/underlined]]|.03| |[[strikethrough]] 8.3 [[/strikethrough]] 8.25|v 3 b|[[strikethrough]] 8.6 [[/strikethrough]] 8.55| | | | [[/table]] Plate B5300 [[table]] | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |[[strikethrough]]8.6[[/strikethrough]]8.65|b 5 v|[[strikethrough]]9.1[[/strikethrough]]9.05|[[strikethrough]]9.1[[/strikethrough]]9.03|[[strikethrough]]9.0[[/strikethrough]]8.99|[[strikethrough]]=9.07[[/strikethrough]]9.02| |.03|.01|[[underlined]].03[[/underlined]] |[[strikethrough]]9.1[[/strikethrough]]9.03|v 0 c|[[strikethrough]]9.1[[/strikethrough]]9.03| | | | | |[[strikethrough]]9.0[[/strikethrough]]8.99|v 5 d|[[strikethrough]]9.5[[/strikethrough]]9.49| | | | | [[/table]] Plate B9762 Too near edge of plate Plate B9262 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |11.73|k=.2| | | |v n.s.|<11.93| [[/table]] Enl. B 11176 var. ft. Enl 13567 var. br. For ident B. 9263 [[underlined]] Oct. 28, 1895 [[/underlined]] [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| | |B5168|Sp. Record meas.| |[[strikethrough]]8.6[[/strikethrough]]8.55|b=.3| | | |v n.s.| | | |c n.s.|[[strikethrough]]<8.9[[/strikethrough]]8.85| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 23:29:12
1. Needs to be setup as tables [see Plate B4837 as example]],
2. typos need to be corrected and
3. strikethroughs need to be shown
4. Needs page number and preprinted tags[[DONE]]
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Reopened for Editing 2023-11-15 15:51:38