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|1855. R.A. Dec.|BD. No.|R.A. 1855|Dec. 1855|Magn.|
|1^[[h]] 33.9^[[m]] +34.5[[symbol - degree symbol]]|+34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 297|1^[[h]] 33.7^[[m]]|+34[[symbol - degree symbol]] 30'|6.0|
|1 29.8 +34.6|+34 284|1 29.8|+34 37|7.8|
|1 26.4 +34.4|+34 272|1 26.3|+34 23|7.0|
|1 9.2 +34.7|+34 224|1 9.4|+34 40|7.7|
|0 58.9 +34.[[strikethrough]] 8[[/strikethrough]]4|+34^[[h]] 183|0 58.8|+34 23|7.5|
|1 36.9 +34.9(+)|+34 304|1 37.0|+34 59|7.3|
|1 28.4 +34.9|+34 280|1 28.4|+34 53|8.1|
|1 25.6 +34.9|+34 270|1 25.6|+34 52|7.2|
|*1 24.5 +35.1|+35 292|1 24.5|+3[[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]]5 6|6.5|
|1 [[strikethrough]] 25.9 +35.5[[/strikethrough]]1.5 +34.9|+34 198|1 1.6|+34 50|2.2|
|1 25.9 +35.5|+35 296|1 25.9|+35 26|8.2|
|1 17.4 +35.6|+35 270|1 17.5|+35 36|7.7|
|1 8.6 +35.6|+35 238|1 8.6|+35 33|8.0|
|1 30.8 +36.8|+35 314|1 30.8|+35 48|7.0|
|1 27.8 +35.8|+35 303|1 27.8|+35 48|7.8|
|1 16.1 +36.1|+36 241|1 16.1|+36 8|7.8|
|1 15.0 +35.7|+35 260|1 [[strikethrough]] 1.5[[/strikethrough]]15.1|[[strikethrough]]+35 47[[/strikethrough]]+35 45|[[strikethrough]]8.5[[/strikethrough]]6.7|
|1 36.2 +36.2|+36 306|1 36.2|+36 13|6.8|
|1 26.0 +36.5|+36 277|1 [[strikethrough]] 26[[/strikethrough]]25.9||36 30|6.2|
|1 20.1 +36.3|+36 259|1 20.1|+36 20|7.3|
|1 3.5 +35.6|+35 219|1 3.6|+35 38|7.8|
[[annotation]]*BD +35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 29[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]]3 superposed on 292.[[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 21:47:24 ^[[ ]] is not required for strikethrough replacement as of 8/18 online instruction update. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-11 09:10:39