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P.A. 6^[[h]] 1^[[m]] + 41.7^[[symbol - degree symbol]]

[[underlined]] November 21. 1893  [[/underlined]]
Plate 2207
[[strikethrough]]1 2 [[/strikethrough]]^[[0]]^[[w]] 0 0^[[m]]
 [[annotation]]H. assumed to be 8.1[[/annotation]]
|V|H|Cl|Rem.^[[m]]|K line|Int|
|4.3|16.4|A| |N|2|
|4.8|18.7|A| |N|1|
|X6.0|14.3|A| |N|2|
|6.0|19.5|A| |N|5|
|5.6|20.8|A| |N|1|
|5.6|21.2|A| |N|2|
|6.6|9.9|H| |N|1|
|7.0|13.3|E| |K=H|1|
|6.4|23.0|L| |K=H|2|
|7.7|16.1|A| |N|2|
|8.3|15.6|A| |N|1|
|8.6|16.8|A| |K=H|3|
|8.8|17.5|A| |N|2|
|8.7|18.5|A| |N|1|
|8.9|20.6|A| |N|1|
|8.9|22.4|A| |N|2|
|10.0|22.8|K| |K=H|3|

[[preprinted]]John G. Wolbach, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics [[symbol - bullet]] Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System[[/preprinted]]

Transcription Notes:
This is not formatted correctly, please see other completed pages or check the instructions for this series: see these instructions for table mark up: ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-01 18:15:42 See three pages back for correct format ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-03 03:54:11 P.A. 6^[[h]] 1^[[m]] + 41.7^[[symbol - degree symbol]] fixed to [[strikethrough]] fixed to [[annotation]]