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[[underlined]] Contents. [[/underlined]]
[[3 columned table]]
Desc | Object | Page.
--- | --- | ---

   | Meas. of U Centauri & Susp. var.  Z.C. 12^[[h]]1634 | B2, 134-137; 4-18, 
M.F.| New var. in Horologium 21^[[h]] 21.4^[[m]] -60[[°]] 6^[[']] (1875) Md B15153 No. 8911 | 19-25,  
   | Well's Algol Var. W Delphine | B8, 131,  ,26-32, 164-180,
M.F. | New var. in Centaurus 1^[[h]] 16^[[m]] -61^[[°]] 33^[[']] (1900) Md B15188 No. 8961 | 33 - 49,
L D W | New var. in Hydra 19^[[h]] 46.5^[[m]] -22^[[°]] 33^[[']] (1900) Md B13145 No. 7031 | 50 - 57,
   | New var. in Sagittarius (Markwick's No. 9) Spectra |
   | New var. star Canis Minoris 7^[[h]] 43.5^[[m]] +5^[[°]] 41^[[']] IV Type B15244, No. 8999 | 59-
   | Exam. of Thome's susp. var's. marked !,!!, m Vol. XVI, & XVII, | 69 - 74, 93 - 95,
   | Meas. of Iceland spar plates, 8 inch Draper, Chart images | 75 - 84,
   | Meas. of Iceland spar plates, (E pl.) artificial light. | 85 - 92
   | Exam. of Thome's susp. var's C.C. Vol. XVI. and XVII, | 93 - 107, 112 - 114,
   | Exam. of A.G.C. 15892 | 108,
   | Exam. of Birmingham 502 = [[?]] II, 40 | 109,
   | Exam. of mu^[[1]] Scorpii. Spectroscopic Binary (S.I.B.) | 115,
   | New var. in Centaurus A.G.C. 18609. 13^[[h]] 36.0^[[m]] -33^[[°]] 6^[[']] (1900) | 116 - 128,
   | New var. in     12^[[h]] 25.4^[[m]] -56° 54^[[']] (1875) Md B15612 No. 9116 | 129 - 144,
   | Exam of eta^[[1]] and eta^[[2]] Doradus (for J. Stanley Williams) | 145,
   | Meas. of lines in Spectrum of xi Puppis | 146-147,
   | Exam of A.G.C. 10534. Spectroscopic Binary (E.C.P.) | 148-149,
   | Exam of A.G.C. 32265. Susp. var. | 150,
   | Exam of A.G.C. +42° 196. Susp. var. | 151,
   | Exam of -14° 5960. Susp. var. | 152,
   | Exam of -13° [[strikethrough]]350[[/strikethrough]] 530 Susp. var. | 153,
   | Exam of A.G.C. 375 Susp. var. | 154,
   | Exam of A.G.C. 1035 Susp. var. | 151,
   | Exam of objects on X Plates. A.G.C. 15757, 6633(alpha Columbus) | 156-160,
   | 14383 x Carinae, 17411 beta Crucis
   | Exam of A.G.C. 18751 (Kaptyen's var.) | 160,

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 

Transcription Notes:
Horologium = a faint southern constellation (the Clock), between Hydrus and Eridanus. *READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS TYPE OF IMAGE.