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[[underline]] April 27,1896. [[/underline]]
Meas. of U Centauri  Cont from B2 p 134-137.
Also of Z.C.12 ^h 1634  suspected var?
Since the comp. star "d" formally used = Z.C. 12^h 1634 (susp var.)
another star has been substituted and the magnitudes of the comparison stars will be redetermined. 
The star substituted will be entered in red ink on chart in B2 p 134.
The star "d" used throughout the following measures therefore is the one indicated in the red ink and is

Plate B 12744
[[2 Columned Table]]
--- | ---
9.18 | c  4  sv  9.58 9.60 9.52 = 9.57^[[symbol - check mark]] .01 .03 [[underline]] .05 [[/underline]]
9.60 | sv  0  d  9.60
9.52 | sv  5  e  10.02
[[crossed out]] 12.16 [[/crossed out]] 11.96 | [[crossed out]] m [[/crossed out]] r = .2
   | v = .1      [[crossed out]] 12.26 [[/crossed out]] 12.16

Plate B13480 
[[4 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | --- | ---
a | 6.7 | 1 | 6.4
b | 7.0 | 2 | 6.6
c | 7.3 | 3 | 7.0
d | 7.8 | 4 | 7.3
e | 8.2 | 5 | 7.7
f | 8.6
g | 8.9
h | 8.4
k | 9.7
L | 10.0
m | 10.4 |
Var. | 8.5  10.32  10.40 = 10.36  [[underline]] .04 [[/underline]]  .04 
Susp. var. | 7.7   9.58   9.50 = 954 04 04 [[symbol - check mark]] 

John G. Wolbach Library Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
**Transcribers need to read instructions for this type of image. - [[underline]] -Z.C. - Zeta Centauri about 2 words that were hard to read.