Viewing page 13 of 231

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[[2 Columned Table]]
--- | ---

   | B7859
9.18 | c 4 s.v 9.58 9.60 9.62 = 9.60 [[underlined]].02[[/underlined]] .00 .02 🗸
9.60 | s.v o d 9.60
9.62 | s.v 4 e 10.02

   | B4826
9.18 | C 5s.v 9.68 9.60 9.62 = 963 .05 [[underlined]].03[[/underlined]] [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]]  🗸  
9.60 | s.v o d 9.60
9.62 | s.v 4 e 10.02

   | B7570
9.60 | d 1 s.v [[strikethrough]] 9.61 [[/strikethrough]] 9.70 9.72 = 9.71 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] .01 🗸  
9.72 | s.v 3 e 10.02

   | B3358
9.60 | d 3 s.v 9.90 9.82 = 9.86 .04 [[underlined]].04[[/underlined]] 🗸  
9.82 | s.v 2 e 10.02

   | B4871 Sp. 🗸  
   | too poor.

   | B4839 Sp. 🗸 
   | too poor

   | B4874 Sp. 🗸 
   | too poor.
   | B [[strikethrough]]3935[[/strikethrough]] 3395 Sp. 🗸 
   | too poor.

   | B5446 Sp  🗸 
   | too poor

John G. Wolbach, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Need heading formatting; need in several places, too.