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B 9429 Sp.
too poor.

B9422 Sp.
[[left margin]] 9.18 [[/left margin]]   C 3 s.v   9.48 9.50 = 9.49 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] .01 🗸
[[left margin]] 9.50 [[/left margin]]   s.v 1 d   9.60

B9455 Sp 🗸 
too near edge of plate. 

B9936 Sp. 🗸 
too poor.

B10814 Sp. 🗸
too poor.

B5270 Sp. 🗸
too poor

B3394 Sp. 🗸
too poor.

B6509 Sp. 🗸
too poor.

B5022 Sp 🗸
too poor.

[[left margin]] 9.18 [[/left margin]]  c 4 s.v   9.58 9.60 = 9.59 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] .01 🗸
[[left margin]] 9.60 [[/left margin]]  s.v 0 d   9.60 [[strikethrough]]9.60 d[[/strikethrough]] 9.45 g = .4 [[underlined]]9.85[[/underlined]] 
E not seen v not seen [[strikethrough]] <.10.00 [[/strikethrough]]

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System