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918 C 5 S.V 9.68 9.60 9.62 = 9.63 .05 [[underlined]] .03 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] .01 [[/underlined]]
9.60 s v o d 9.60
9.62 s. v 4 e 10.02
11.64 [[strikethrough]] 11.56 [[/strikethrough]] f [[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]]=.2 [[underlined]]11.84[[/underlined]]         
V not seen. [[strikethrough]] L11.76 [[/strikethrough]] 

9.18 c 4 s. v 9.58 9.50 = 9.54 .04 [[underlined]].04[[/underlined]] ✔
9.50 s. v i d 960
8.42 [[strikethrough]]8.48[[/strikethrough]] C [[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]] 2N [[strikethrough]]8.68 8.66 =8.67 .01 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]8.62 8.50 = 8.56 06 [[underlined]]06[[/underlined]]
8.50 [[strikethrough]]8.66[[/strikethrough]] v 2 [[strikethrough]]b[[/strikethrough]] d [[strikethrough]]8.86[[/strikethrough]] 8.70

B 13173
9.18 c 4 s. v 9.58 9.60 9.62 = 9.60 [[underlined]].02[[/underlined]] .00 .02 ✔
9.60 s. v o d 9.60
9.62 s. v 4 e 10.02
9.45 [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] g [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] 2 v [[strikethrough]]10.00 9.92 = 9.96 .04 [[underlined]].04[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]] 9.85 10.17 = 10.01 [[underlined]]16[/underlined]] 16
10.17 [[strikethrough]]9.92[[/strikethrough]] v 1 [[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]]10.02[[/strikethrough]] 10.27

B 13207
9.18 C 3 s. v 9.48 9.40 = 9.44 .04 [[underlined]].04[[/underlined]] ✔
9.40 s. v 2 d 9.60
8.95 [[strikethrough]]9.18[[/strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]] 5 v [[strikethrough]]9.68 9.60 9.62 = 9.63 .05 [[underlined]].05 [[underlined]].03[[/underlined]] [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]]
9.45 [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] v o [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] g [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] 9.45
9.87 [[strikethrough]]9.61[[/strikethrough]] v [[?]] [[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 10.27

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
DON'T FORGET TO INDICATE [[underlined]] [[/underlined]] as per INSTRUCTIONS!--> Done