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38 May 19, 1896. Measure of New Var. in [[strikethrough]] Carinae. [[/strikethrough]] Centaurus | Plate B 5071 | [[strikethrough]] 11.44 [[/strikethrough]] 11.53 | k=.3 | | v N.S. [[strikethrough]] | <11.74 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 11.83 [[/underlined]] | Plate B 9420 | [[strikethrough]] 10.72 [[/strikethrough]] 10.81 | [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] g 4 v |[[strikethrough]] 11.12 11.04 11.14 = 11.10 [[/strikethrough]] 11.21 11.13 11.23 = 11.19 .02 [[underlined]] .06 [[/underlined]] .04 [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 | v 0 h | [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 [[strikethrough]] 11.14 [[/strikethrough]] 11.23 | v 3 k | [[strikethrough]] 11.44 [[/strikethrough]] 11.53 | Plate B 9351 | [[strikethrough]] 10.72 [[/strikethrough]] 10.81 | g 2 v | [[strikethrough]] 10.92 10.84 = 10.88 [[/strikethrough]] 11.01 10.93 = 10.97 .04 [[underlined]] .04 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 10.84 [[/strikethrough]] 10.93 | v 2 h | [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 | Plate B 11302 | [[strikethrough]] 12.5[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]][[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] 12.65 | n = .3 | v N.S. | [[strikethrough]] <12.8[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]][[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 12.95 [/underlined]] | Plate B 7475 Sp. | Too poor. | Plate B 9703 | [[strikethrough]] 11.44 [[/strikethrough]] 11.53 | k=.2 | | v N.S. | [[strikethrough]] <11.64 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 11.73 [[/underlined]] John G. Wolbach Library Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics ยท Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System