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May 7 1896
Measure of Wells' Algol Var. 

[[3 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | ---
Plate C 9029^[[[[symbol - check]]]] |  
[[strikethrough]] 12.05 [[/strikethrough]] 11.28 | h 3 v | [[strikethrough]] 12.35 12.31 [[/strikethrough]] 11.58 11.42 = [[strikethrough]] 12.33 .02 .02 [[/strikethrough]] 11.50 .08 [[underlined]] .08 [[/underlined]] [[symbol - check]]
[[strikethrough]] 12.31 [[/strikethrough]] 11.42 | v 1l | [[strikethrough]] 12.41 [[/strikethrough]] 11.62

Plate I 15015 |
[[strikethrough]] 11.07 [[/strikethrough]] 10.30 | f 2 v | [[strikethrough]] 11.27 11.01 [[/strikethrough]] 10.50 10.28 = [[strikethrough]] 11.14 .13 [[underlined]] .13 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 10.39 .11 [[underlined]] .11 [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] 11.01 [[/strikethrough]] 10.28 | v 4 g | [[strikethrough]] 11.41 [[/strikethrough]] 10.68
11.07 | f 4 v^[[1]] | 11.47 11.21 [[strikethrough = 11.39 .18 [[underlined]] .18 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 11.34 .13 [[underlined]] .13 [[/underlined]]
11.21 | v^[[1]] 2 g | 11.41

Plate C 8965 |
[[strikethrough]] 9.67 [[/strikethrough]] 8.72 | c 2 v | [[strikethrough]] 9.87 9.87 [[/strikethrough]] 8.92 8.98 = = [[strikethrough]] 9.87 .00 .00 [[/strikethrough]] 8.93 [[underlined]] .03 [[/underlined]] .03 [[symbol - check]]
[[strikethrough]] 9.87 [[/strikethrough]] 8.98 | v 3 d | [[strikethrough]] 10.17 [[/strikethrough]] 9.28

[[symbol]] check Plate C 9025 |
Unidentified. [[symbol - check]] |

Plate I 15017 |
[[strikethrough]] 11.07 [[/strikethrough]] 10.30 | f 5 v | [[strikethrough]] 11.57 11.31 [[/strikethrough]] 10.80 10.68 = [[strikethrough]] 11.44 .13 [[underlined]] .13 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough 10.69 .11 .11
[[strikethrough]] 11.31 [[/strikethrough]] 10.58 | v 1 g | [[strikethrough]] 11.41 [[/strikethrough]] 10.68
11.07 | f 4 v^[[1]] | 11.47 11.21 = 11.34 .13 [[underlined]] .13 [[/underlined]]
11.21 | v^[[1]] 2 g | 11.21

Plate I 14813 |
[[strikethrough]] 12.05 [[/strikethrough]] 11.08 | b 3 v | [[strikethrough]] 12.35 12.31 [[/strikethrough]] 11.58 11.52 = [[strikethrough]] 12.33 .02 [[underlined]] .02 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 11.55 .03 [[underlined]] .03 [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] 12.31 [[/strikethrough]] 11.52 | v 1 l | [[strikethrough]] 12.41 [[/strikethrough]] 11.62
11.41 | g 3 v^[[1]] | 11.71 11.63 = 11.67 .04 [[underlined]] .04 [[/underlined]]
11.63 | v^[[1]] 1 h | 11.73

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
wrong: struckout information is transcribed before the corrected information..transcribe as it was originally written.