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May 19, 1896.
Measure of New Var in Centaurus [[strikethrough]] Carinae [[/strikethrough]] (Cont.)

Plate B 13183 |
11.85 [[strikethrough]] 11.76 [[/strikethrough]] l3v 12.15 12.10=12.12 .03[[underlined]] .02 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] l2.06 12.01=12.04 .02 [[underlined]] .03 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 
12.10 [[strikethrough]] 12.01 [[/strikethrough]] v1m 12.20 [[strikethrough]] 12.11 [[/strikethrough]] 

Plate B 15016 
10.81 [[strikethrough]] 10.72 [[/strikethrough]] g4v 11.2 11.03=11.12 .09 [[underlined]] .09 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 11.12 10.94=11.03 [[underlined]] .09 [[/underlined]] .09 
11.03 [[strikethrough]] 10.94 [[/strikethrough]] v1h 11.04 [[strikethrough]] 11.13 [[/strikethrough]]

Plate B 13018
12.20 [[strikethrough]] 12.11 [[/strikethrough]] m =.2 [[underlined]] 12.40 [[/underlined]]
v N.S. [[strikethrough]] 12.31 [[/strikethrough]]

Plate B 12941
11.53 [[strikethrough]] 11.44 [[/strikethrough]] k=.3 [[underlined]] 11.83 [[/underlined]] v N.S. [[strikethrough]] 11.74 [[/strikethrough]] 

Plate B 13861
10.43 [[strikethrough]] 10.34 [[/strikethrough]] f2v    
10.63 10.51=10.57 [[strikethrough]] 10.54 10.42=10.48 .06 [[underlined]] .06 [[/underlined]]
10.51 [[strikethrough]] 10.42 [[/strikethrough]] v3g 10.81 [[strikethrough]] 10.72 [[/strikethrough]]

Plate B 13521 [[strikethrough]] 13551 [[/strikethrough]]
10.43 [[strikethrough]] 10.34 [[/strikethrough]] f3v 10.73 10.61=10.67 .06 [[underlined]] .06 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 10.64 10.52=10.58 [[strikethrough]]

Plate B 13772  Sf
9.76 [[strikethrough]] 9.69 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 9.67 [[/strikethrough]] d1v
9.86 [[strikethrough]] 9.79 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 9.77 [[/strikethrough] [[underlined]] R [[/underlined]]
e [[strikethrough]] v [[/strikethrough]]] not seen
John G Wolbach Library Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System